I cant believe that its been over a year since I updated this. I really regret not keeping up and recording all the hilarious things that the boys do. They are both super active and Wes just started riding his 2 wheeler bike! Pax is running and talking like crazy now. They both have great personalities and are very loving. I am going to share the most recent funny things that they have done and try and be better about keeping up with it from here on out.
Wes who is jumping on the couch cushions and being told not to "Mom you are taking my imagination away from me!"
Pax who had overheard that the dog had snuck to the basement and pooped "IY YI YI"....
All about Wesley and Paxton
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Monday, November 22, 2010
Talking back
The other day Pax crawled over to the stairs and started to climb up them. I asked him to stop and to come down a few times.. he was looking through the rails at me and got this smirk on his face put one hand in the air and waved at me and said "BYE!" and continued to climb up the stairs... I am in for trouble with that kid! He is too cute though.. who could not smile at that face?
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Mr. Sneaky

Wesley has begun this "trick" of sneaking out of bed... he is really good at it... We usually dont hear him till its too late. So far we have caught him with the v8 bottle in his room. Then the next night it was a cup of water that David had poured for himself and then spent 20 minutes looking for it. Third night it was the vacuum. Not sure why the vancuum but he seemed to think it was pretty funny. The fourth I caught him coming back up the stairs with a chewed open kit kat bar that he had gotten from ON TOP OF THE FRIDGE! Then one nap time he snuck into his brothers bed and they both fell asleep together but it didnt last for long and I put them both back in their own beds and I went and took a nap as well and woke up to a noise and went to check on Wes and he had the pitcher of tea with plastic action figures swimming in it and the peanut butter and jelly with the lids of and a loaf of bread and a kid knife and was about to make himself a sandwich of his bedroom floor. That kid is going to be one hot ticket as my Gram would say!

After 10 1/2 months waiting Pax finally got a tooth! and in that week he managed to cut 3 teeth! His huge gummy smile is quickly filling with teeth and he is starting to really look like a big boy. He also took his first steps! He walked to his uncle Jake of course. He still likes to play noodle legs when we want him to walk.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Wes zingers!
Wesley has had a lot of great zingers lately. Here are a few!
K-Wes can you go grab that for me?
W- No Mom I cant
K-Why not?
W-My superpowers and broken today
W- Me me me me me me me
K-Is that the way you ask for something?
W-Yeah mom its the spanish way of saying it! (like he was speaking in spanish)
W-Daddy we need to get a new car, this one is killing mom
W-Work is where Daddy lives
W (after dousing himself in my perfume) I dont smell like a cutie-pie any more cuz I smell like a girl

Pax is growing up so fast! He will be 10 months in a few days and in the last couple of days he seems to be developing by leaps and bounds. He is really good at cruising and can even stand for a few seconds without support though he tends to be timid about it. He has fully mastered stairs and is super quick about it now. He likes to try and sneak away to any he can find. He and Wesley have invented a screaming game that they usually play in the car which I dont fully appreciate. One of them will scream really loud and then the other will copy just as loud and then they work themselves back down to a little yell. Pax started clapping today and has really been enjoying doing that. He does to to music or even to encourage someone. He has started saying "uh oh" which I find super cute! We also were waiting for David and I was asking him where Dada was. As soon as Pax saw him he started saying "DADA!" Also he was trying to get some ones attention today and he say yelling "HI!".
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Baby Signs

With Wesley we taught him just a few baby signs which came in very handy for communicating with us. We Figured we would teach the same ones to Paxton. We started using them when appropriate but were not really pushing it. Wesley thought it was great and really started showing them to him a lot. Almost every meal I would hear him encouraging Pax to sign "please" or "more" or "all done". He would smile and watch but had never even tried to imitate. Yesterday I had left the room to get something while the boys were eating and when I walked back in Pax was smiling at me and started doing the "all done" sign! He did it again this morning at breakfast too! Wesley was especially excited to see him do it.
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