Tuesday, July 29, 2008
New news
As of this evening Wesley has his first tooth! I knew it was going to come through soon and when I checked this morning it was not yet through but somtime today it finally came in. It is a nice sharp little one!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Going to the beach
Yesterday we went on a great trip to Annapolis and went to the beach. It was Wesleys first trip and he loved the warm water. We went with the girls that I take care of and we all had a blast. After the beach we went over to a neighbors pool and spent the rest of the afternoon swimming! Aunt BA and Uncle Jakey just happened to get the day off too so they joined us and made the day even better! It was a very relaxing and enjoyable day. With the temperature out it was the perfect way to spend the hot day.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Soccer game
We took Wesley last night to his first DC United soccer game.. He LOVED it! He really enjoyed watching all the people and was very excited about the soccer ball. Dc ended up losing but it was still a fun game to watch. A couple of times towards the end of the game when Wesley was really tired he got a little scared by the cheers of the crowd. He did like raising his hands and trying to cheer with the crowds though. He also had fun flirting with all the ladies around us!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Wesley has perfected his wave technique and its pretty cute. He does it when people wave at him and also when he thinks it would be socially correct to do so.. like when people are walking by and commenting on how cute he is he will sometimes throw up the hand in the wave which makes him seem all the more cute. Here are a few pictures of him waving at Aunt Ba while he was eating

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
4th of July
We went into DC on the 4th to catch the fireworks and even though it rained a little we had a great time! Uncle Jakey and Aunt Ba went with us and we had a picnic dinner. After that we found prime seats with no crowd to watch the fire works. Wesley was glued to them and even though they were very loud he didnt seem to mind at all!

Monday, July 7, 2008
My little monkey....
Wesley has gone from crawling to cruising in the last 3 weeks! The other night he decided that it was a great idea to stand up in his amby hammock that he sleeps in... so once that started it was no longer safe for him to be in it so we decided to switch him to a pack n play (we don't have a crib). We did his whole bed time routine and laid him down and he stood right back up reached for the top bar and climbed/pulled himself to the top to the point where he could have fallen out! We did not know what to do with him now that we had no place safe for him to sleep and even if we had gotten a crib its not any deeper then a pack n play. So we went and bought him a toddler bed that way if he did fall out it wouldn't be a big deal because its only a few inches off the ground. We put him in it last night for the first time and it was a struggle to get him to sleep.. but today he did much better at nap times and tonight when i laid him down he snuggled right in and fell fast asleep!!!

Thursday, July 3, 2008
When we first started going to the pool we have been working with Wesley to learn to go underwater. We count to 3 and then would blow a little in his face so he would hold his breath and then dunk him under really quick. He thought it was lots of fun and would make the greatest faces. The other day we went to a water park and I was showing someone who was with us that he could go under and that he liked it. I started counting, 1... 2... 3 and he bent forward and put his own head under the water!!! He came up with a big smile!
Wes and AJ
After the birth of Avery and the big part that Wesley had in it we would joke about the bond that they would have. It was funny to see them together after the birth and how they were both very interested in eachother. It really did seem like some bond had been formed early on. Well with Aj living so far away they have not seen eachother sense then. The really strange thing is every time we get on AJ's blog or have a picture up that they sent us Wesley goes crazy. One time david was just walking by the computer and Wesley saw the picture of Aj that I was looking at and he launched himself at the computer and got really excited. So today I had the brilliant idea (or maybe not so brilliant) to call AJ and let them baby talk together. Well i put the phone on speaker phone and handed it to Wesley (it usually goes right into the mouth) and he started studying it very intensly and was listening to Avery cry a little... Then he started talking (baby talk) very soft and soothingly. After about 5 minutes I took the phone back and hung up. Wesley then proceeded to SCREAM for the next 10 minutes and could not be soothed. It was very strange and a little freaky the bond that they actually seem to have. Almost like a twin bond.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Wesley is rapidly approaching every milestone set before him. It's exciting to watch but in the back of my mind I hear every experianced parent saying; "Enjoy these days", "oh man it's great when they don't talk back" or "It passes by in a blink" . All that is true, and I'm really glad I get to see him crawl around on the floor and now he's doing the pull my self up on something and smile realy big cause I can see some much more of the world. I'm trying my best soak in the moments and the blog technology helps, and camera are awesome ...and there is no real point to this entry. "The palest ink is better than the best memory" - Chinese Proverb "The most raid'ed mirrrored blog domain is better than the best memory" - New Proverb
--- D.O.W.
(Dad Of Wesley)
--- D.O.W.
(Dad Of Wesley)
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
growing too fast....

Even now while I am writing I am watching Welsey crawl around on the floor... He has not mastered the hands and knees crawling but he manages to get around very fast.. Aunt Ba was commenting yesterday on how fast he has gotten. Over the last few days he has been crawling over to the 9 inch step up that we have into the living room and trying to get up.. last night he finally accomplished that and now he has taken off in that area.. he also pulled himself up on a laundry basket last night and this morning he pulled himself up on a play kitchen we have and was walking along holding onto it! I am not ready at all for this and am thinking we really need to do something about the hardwood floors in the main room that he playes in. He is still a very happy baby and does not take much at all to get him to smile. The other day while we were in line for something he got both the person in front and in back of us to talk, smile, and laugh at him. He is still a peanut and pretty small for his age.
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