Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Party Pictures

Wesley Birthday Party!

One Year Old

So what can he do now that he is one??? Well he did take his first steps. He can say mama, daddy, hi, bye, wow, yeah, and milk. He says thank you in sign language. He smiles and says "cheese" when he is having his picture taken. He loves to wave hi and bye to people. He is a speed crawler. He loves music and to "sing" and dance. He has 4 teeth. He is still very skinny and only in the 3rd percentile for his weight. But in the 70th percentile for his height.


So I am horribly behind in my post... but trying really hard to remember and catch up. About 4 weeks ago Wesley started standing up on his own without holding onto anything. It started at school when we were dancing and he just stood up with all the children and started dancing with them!

Costume Party

So we were invited to a costume party and we were trying to come up with a great idea... it took a while but finally we came up with the perfect idea... and we won 1st prize!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Fall Pics