What does he do now that he is 13 months old... well a lot actually... it can be kind of scary at times to see the little sponge absorbing everything around him. He loves to copy people and is always ready to laugh with anyone.. He loves to say "hi" and "bye" to people. He is now walking everywhere and crawling is a thing of the past. He also is quite the climber and if I am not careful he will end up standing on a table or climbing on all sorts of things. His vocabulary is growing everyday and his list of words now consists of hi, bye, milk, mommy, daddy, ba (my sister), wow, yeah, no, dog, cat, balloon, fish, and book. He still signs thank you. He loves animals and we let him watch the animal planet when we are getting ready in the morning. He is very into the show and once saw a baby jaguar licking someones face and he started making his kiss noise. He LOVES books right now and all day long is bringing books over to us and sitting in our laps for us to read to him. His favorite are the Usborne touchy-feely books. We read those to him about a million times a day! He has been gaining weight too and has gained almost a pound in a month! His favorite foods to eat are berries and cheese.