Monday, August 16, 2010
Fair day
Today I took the boys to the fair. It was a scorching hot day but they both stayed pretty pleasent despite the sweat! We got to ride a bus to the fair grounds which started off the day on a very exciting foot. Wesley touched a cow for the first time and was pretty proud of himself for doing it. Paxton was wide eyed looking at everything and trying to figure out all the animals and people. They both enjoyed a snowcone! Wesley had his first (kid) rollercoaster ride which he had mixed feelings about. They let him on the ride and then told him he was too short but that I couldnt ride without tickets and I didnt have any left. So I climbed up to try and help him off and he didnt understand and started to cry so they let me ride. He started out with a big smile and then halfway through the ride said he wanted to get off, but then ended it with a smile and was glad that he had tried it. We watched some pig races which Wesley found very entertaining. Also got to play on some tractors. The quote of the day was when we were walking through the barn and Wes saw a small jersey cow and said "Hey mom its just like chick-fil-a!" I didnt bring my camera :(
This weekend I went on a trip with one of my friends and only brought Pax with me. It was so great to get some one on one time with him and his little personality really came out. He mastered waving and has the cutest wave where he opens and shuts his hand. He also says "mama", "dada", and "hiiiii". I think he shortly will take off with talking. He was also really trying hard to be funny. In the car he would make a silly noise and if we laughed he would keep doing it. He tasted a lime when we went out to eat and made a silly face and has kept making the face even without the lime to try and get people to laugh. He is such a flirt too! He was such a snuggler and really enjoyed his Mommy time but was very happy to see his brother again and greeted him with a huge smile!
She's Right (Again)

If I (we) kept up with this blog you'd know about all the cool, amazing, tiring things that have happened since July.
From "crawling Pax" to "speed crawling, furniture cruizing, Hi waving, scream laughing Pax".
Then there was the Fourth of July Tradition Wes + Uncle Jake @ Fireworks.
(I think Wes and Pax have a Matthew Mcconaughey shirt allergy thing going on)

You may have heard Wesley learned to swim on his own. K's always taught the boys to hold their breath under water from infancy by blowing in their face right before a split second dunking. Well this summer the fish took to water and Wes and the neighborhood pool were inseparable. You might say K's a super mom because who knew that this technique worked so well.
One afternoon we're checking with Wes to make sure he would know that if he took off his floaty he'd sink and not be able to swim. So we remove the floaty. Release the whipper snapper and prepare to rescue the nearly drowning boy when he decides to just hold his breath, and swim to the end on his own. To which we receive a happy "What happens when you take of my floaty daddy?" --- apparently nothing.

You may have heard Wesley learned to swim on his own. K's always taught the boys to hold their breath under water from infancy by blowing in their face right before a split second dunking. Well this summer the fish took to water and Wes and the neighborhood pool were inseparable. You might say K's a super mom because who knew that this technique worked so well.
One afternoon we're checking with Wes to make sure he would know that if he took off his floaty he'd sink and not be able to swim. So we remove the floaty. Release the whipper snapper and prepare to rescue the nearly drowning boy when he decides to just hold his breath, and swim to the end on his own. To which we receive a happy "What happens when you take of my floaty daddy?" --- apparently nothing.
(Click Image to enlarge)
--- Oh yeah he does the diving board.
(Thanks to Mommy, Mimi and Jake for the high flying examples)
You might of known that we drove to Maine and surprised the Maine grands with a 30th anniversary. The under 4 foot crew had a blast as did the Grampy and Grammie.
More to come.
~ D the Dad
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