On May 4th (Hollys birthday)around 5:30 we got a phone call saying that she had been having contractions for about 2 hours and that they were pretty regular. She said that she was going to head to the hospital to get checked out and that we could head down that way. When we got there she was having contractions about every 3 min and they were wating for the doctor to get there to check her out. Wesley was very relaxing to her and he seemed to be into watching her.
He was very content to be held by Jean but wanted to be in the room. He was the calmest and quiet baby in the room but once they left he would start getting fussy and cry. It was almost his bed time when we got to the hospital so I figured that he would fall asleep shortly after we got there.
As the night progressed Wesley was clearly not even close to falling asleep and was right there to coach Holly through her labor. He was her focal point and when he was right there with her she handled the contrations much better and when they were over he would make her smile or give her a hug! He would also hold her hand or rub it during a contration.
At about 10:30 she was gettin close to the point of pushing but had just a bit farther to go first Wesley came back into the room after Holly had gotten checked and he sat down on the bed with her and started talking to her belly. Then he started rubbing her belly and kissing her belly. It was as if he was coaching his cousin out of it.
A little after 11 pm Holly started pushing and wesley was glued to her! He could not take his eyes off of her but his eye lids were so heavy. After about 30 min of pushing he finally gave in and could not stay awake any longer.
Once he fell asleep he was sound asleep and Jean was moving him around and picking at him and he was not even stirring. About 3 pushes before the baby was born Wesley sat right up and was wide awake to watch the birth of his cousin. Once the baby was born Wesley could not take his eyes off of him and wanted to be as close to him as possible.
Avery James born at 12:05 am (missed his moms birthday by 5 min) weighed 9 lbs and 21 3/4 inches long
That is honestly the cutest thing ever!! He obviously knew what was going on and wanted to meet his new little cousin! I can't wait to get to see you guys when I get up there! :)
What a great story. Thank you!
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