So I have been really bad about actually writing in this thing so I am going to attempt it today! What does he do now? Well He loves to dance! Anytime he hears music he starts moving. On a recent trip on the metro Maritta taught him how to shake his booty.. pretty cute if I say so myself. He walks everywhere and crawling is a thing of the past. He even likes to strut around every once in a while. Its pretty funny to watch. He knows his plugs are supposed to stay on his bed and he tries to sneak them out of his room, but when told to put it on his bed he does and comes back with a big smile. He loves his music class and he knows all the motions to the song "open shut them" and he also learned "I'm bringing home a baby bumble bee" and he claps his hands together and sings "bumbeeeee" and then "bzzzzouuuch". He says all kinds of words now like up, mommy, mama, daddy, milk, cracker, fish, doggy, kitty, no, chai tea, caden, mimi, scott, holly, bottle, cheese, nite nite, shoes, and the list goes on... He still signs please and thank-you. He is very interested in clothes right now. We have gone shopping for a few summer things for our upcoming trip to Florida and he loves to see himself in his mirror with his new clothes on.. Today when we went shopping he kept holding to clothes up to himself like you would when you are trying to see if its the right size. Pretty much he is a bundle of personality!
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