Woke up on Sat the 5th of december and it was starting to snow. I felt a pop and thought that my water had broken but I was not totally sure. I called the midwife and she said to relax at home and keep checking in with her. I was not having any contractions and actually felt really good. I spent the morning chatting with my friend in Austria and got Wes dressed to go play in the snow. I even made everyone meatball subs for lunch. We put Wesley down for his nap and went upstairs to lay down myself. I had one big contraction and I told David we needed to head to the birthing center. We arrived there at 2 pm and things went into hyper speed. Paxton was born at 3 pm! Wesley was there to witness the birth of his little brother and was able to hold him when he was minutes old. Wesley has been such a great big brother and loves to "nuggle" with him! It was a great birthing experience!
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