Friday, December 14, 2007

Saturday, December 1, 2007

One very good baby!

So after a few issues with Wesley health we are finally over the hill and making great progress. I was having to wake him up every two hours for feedings in the night due to the fact that he had lost a lot of weight. He is now above his birth weight and the doctor said that every 2 hours was no longer something I had to do at night. So on Thursday night I fed him and put him down at 11 pm and he slept till 4:30 am! Last night I put him down at 11 pm again and he slept till 6:30 am!!!! He is such a great sleeper I am waiting for him to turn around and stay up screaming one night. So far he is such a great baby and he has the best facial expressions.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Wesley is here!

Official Announcement:

Wesley Philip Wardrick is born.

It all went down on a thursday night, after a of cleaning and eating pesto pasta for dinner Kirstin started having intense contractions.
This wasn't too abnormal as we (she) had been having contractions for several days not so severe but still painful. at about 9pm they started to get really frequent, so we made some calls to the birthcenter, the midwives and the birth assistant and gave them the heads up that something may happen tonight....about 90min later I(david) was down stairs packing up stuff (this gets gross if you're squimish. skip to photo's below) into the car just as a precaution and :::whush!spash::: I here her "bags o water" pop and then explode into the toilet.

Wesley has the best timing in the world, the water breaks over the toilet, he comes out right before a weekend, he avoids the holiday rush, and on and on....

Now we are in hyperspeed motion in the next 30min we are in the car, I forget my wallet, I may have done 60 in a 35 zone, I might have run 2 very slow, very deserted red lights in Alexandria, I forgot my wallet and the babies but remembered everything else food, clothes, Mom etc....

The birth was really quick a few minutes of labor on a bed, maybe an hour in a tub and then a quick few hours on the bed and pop comes Wesley.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Almost here

I figured that I should join the masses that are blogging and saving memories about their children. Wesley has 2 more weeks and then he should be making his appearance! With all of my family living so spread out I thought this would also be a great way to keep them updated with pictures and all the cute things he is doing! I hope you enjoy!