Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Mommy FAIL!

Today at lunch Wes was not sitting still and playing around with his foot and his plate. I had asked him a couple times to please stop and he was not listening to me. Finally he almost spilled his whole plate and I looked at him and said "Wesley Philip!" He stopped sat up straight and looked me in the eye and said "Mommy Philip!" I couldnt help it... I laughed.. FAIL!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

"Tay Daddy"

Today we all were awake so we drove David to the metro to go to work. We got there and Wesley started saying "bye Daddy" "go to work". David replied "yes I am going to work I will see you later". Wesley then said "go inside and down the stairs, Daddy careful on the stairs, tay (ok) and get on the metro train, Daddy careful on the train, tay (ok).. and watch out for bus Daddy careful for bus Daddy, tay (ok)." What a sweet kid!

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Today we had a very low key birthday party for Wesley.. With the baby coming any day now we decided to just keep is simple. He had a few friends over and they played and did make your own pizzas. It seemed like everyone enjoyed themselves and Wesley really loved having everyone sing happy birthday to him. He was on full speed all day and somehow could not calm down enough to really nap. He ended up sleeping for maybe 45 minutes instead of his usual couple of hours. He was still going full speed after that. Laughing and playing and he kept wanting us to tickle him. Tonight when it was bedtime he was still going full steam and didnt show any sign of stopping.. He also has gotten very good at stalling bedtime so he was pulling out all his tricks. All of a sudden he walked out of our room where he was getting ready for bed and climbed in his bed and just crashed! No more from him tonight! I guess 2 means you can put yourself to bed!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Trying to explain

Today we were all hanging out at a craft show. Wesley was trying to explain something to us and we couldn't understand him. He kept saying "tong, tong, you know la la la la" then we finally got what he was trying to say. Song! There was a choir practicing that he could hear. Also on the way home the radio was on and a song came on and before they even sang anything only a few measures into the music he yells "favorite song, jump!" he then starts dancing like crazy in his car seat and yelling "jump, jump, jump around get up get down". The crazy thing is he has only heard that song a few times!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

funny conversations

1. We went to buy a car seat for the new baby and we were telling Wesley what it was for. Later that day he was sitting on my lap and we were talking about how the baby was going to do that soon and he said "no mommy, baby sit in the car seat"

2. Driving in the car the other day with some friends who were visiting and Wes was in the back seat with one of them. He looks over and says "So, you like backhoes?"

3. Today he finally stayed the whole time in the church nursery (he usually cries and they have to call us). When we picked him up we made a big deal and asked him what he had done. He said that he "played tractor, ate crackers". We asked him if he had made friends and he said "yes". We then asked him what the name of his friend was and he answered very matter of fact "Jonathan!"