Saturday, November 14, 2009


Today we had a very low key birthday party for Wesley.. With the baby coming any day now we decided to just keep is simple. He had a few friends over and they played and did make your own pizzas. It seemed like everyone enjoyed themselves and Wesley really loved having everyone sing happy birthday to him. He was on full speed all day and somehow could not calm down enough to really nap. He ended up sleeping for maybe 45 minutes instead of his usual couple of hours. He was still going full speed after that. Laughing and playing and he kept wanting us to tickle him. Tonight when it was bedtime he was still going full steam and didnt show any sign of stopping.. He also has gotten very good at stalling bedtime so he was pulling out all his tricks. All of a sudden he walked out of our room where he was getting ready for bed and climbed in his bed and just crashed! No more from him tonight! I guess 2 means you can put yourself to bed!

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